private mail gateway

Discussion in 'General' started by jadoo, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. jadoo

    jadoo New Member

    I have two ISPconfig 3 servers on Centos 6.4 and Fedora 15 respectively.

    I have created a mail gateway using ISPConfig that talks to another ISPConfig install on the Mail Server, i.e. a private mail gateway that talks to a public mail server.

    Currently all our locally intended mail on the local machine goes first to the public server rather than being routed directly to the local recipient.

    The public server uses as the email domain, locally I have set a dummy domain called Except for all mail going out it all works like a charm.

  2. Transmaniacon MC

    Transmaniacon MC New Member

    Maybe you need to create an MX entry in ISPConfig (with a lower value than the public MX entry, and with the local un-routeable IP) for the local private mail server you want to reach.

    Postfix documentation is Greek to me, but one would think this might also be achieved in the transport table.
  3. pititis

    pititis Member

    Try adding to mydestination parameter in the file from your private gateway.


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