Problem accessing control panel from internet

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by cf3d, Mar 12, 2009.

  1. cf3d

    cf3d New Member

    I have a small issue. I have set up many servers using ISPConfig 2 using the Howtoforge Perfect Server for Ubuntu without any problems. I am setting up a new server using ISPConfig 3 and can access the control panel from within my personal network but not from the internet using the main domain name for the site.

    Here is my setup. I used the instructions to set up the base ubunutu just like I would for ISPConfig 2 but stop just after setting up the hostname. My computer is connected to a linksys router which connects to my cable modem. I can access the control panel by going to http://192.168.1.#:8080 but can't access it using the cable modem ip address:8080 or the domain name:8080. My domain name controls the dns and points everything back to my cable modem IP address which them forwards all the necessary ports to the web server. This wasn't a problem with ISPConfig 2 but I can't seem to get it to work with ISPConfig 3

    I hope you guys understand what I'm trying to do and can help.

  2. robilaur

    robilaur New Member

    Well....i had the same problem but with a SMC rooter... i got it woking with some NAT setings on the rooter and special port forward from it ... but then the other computers didnt work anymore.... after that i set up the server with the main internet connection and from server conection to rooter,..... results ....better internet managment and no problems with configuring rooter... if u need help with this kind of setup l be happi to help with info.

    I can say that when i had ispconfig 2 everithing worked fine.....
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Please make sure that your router forwards port 8080 to your ISPConfig server.

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