Problem after installing - website doesn't work

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by nissy, May 3, 2009.

  1. nissy

    nissy New Member

    Hi everyone!

    I have just recently installed ISPConfig2, latest version (2 days ago). I have followed the Perfect Server guide for Ubuntu 8.10, and installed with no problems.

    I can access now ISPConfig through https://domain.tld:81, and it works just fine. I already created a reseller, a client under it with a domain (example.tld), a user/email with ftp administrator permissions for uploading content to the site...

    BUT... it doesn't work. If I ping the site (example.tld) the server answers just fine, but when I try to go into it doesn't show anything. I checked apache configuration and it points perfectly to the vhosts ispconfig conf file. I also checked content, and it's ok. It should show the predefined index.html file, but it doesn't (I get a cannot stablish connection browser error).

    Funny thing is, that the same problem occurs with the domain where I have installed ISPConfig (domain.tld). Thing is, I CAN go to https://domain.tld:81 and access ISPConfig, but cannot o to http://domain.tld, because I get same error than the client's domain...

    Both domains have a standartd index.html file inside, and both have enough permissions...

    I am completely lost :confused:... any ideas??

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Make sure that you add a co-domain domain.tld to the website www.domain.tld
  3. nissy

    nissy New Member

    That domain is already defined as co-host (domain.tld) and still doesn't work, not domain.tld, not www.domain.tld

    Any ideas? I just added a client, and the domain with all permissions inside it, and it doesn't respond, but if you do a ping to the domain the address translates ok, and it answers just fine. :confused:

  4. nissy

    nissy New Member

    Please, anyone??

    Any ideas?
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Any errors in Apache's error log? What's the output of
    netstat -tap

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