Hello I have a problem with phpmyadmin I followed this tutorial: http://www.howtoforge.com/installing-lighttpd-with-php5-and-mysql-support-on-fedora9 Installation was ok. I get an error from phpMyAdmin phpMyAdmin - Error Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly. How can I solve this problem?
Hi falko i resolve de problem with: 1. gedit /etc/php.ini to see the directory location search the line "session.save_path" to see the directory location 2. chown -R root:lighttpd /var/lib/php/session *for me Chown default folder was root:apache and must root:lighttpd After that works normally. If an error occurs will phpmyadmin with: Can not load Mcrypt extension. Please check your PHP configuration Use: yum install php-mcrypt