Hi, we have a server with Fedora Core 13 (Goddard) 64bit, installed following the perfect setup. Well, the mail services here it's managed by: - Postfix (postfix-2.7.0-1.fc13.x86_64) - Clamav (clamav-0.97-1300.fc13.x86_64) - Amavis (amavisd-new-2.6.4-1.fc12.noarch) The ISPConfig version is: The problem that we it's that several time, mysqld_safe restart mysql (probably due memory usage). Some time, after that the mysql daemon it's restarter, we have that Clamav and Amavis (clamd.amavisd) just goes down (only sometimes not always). And the mail stop working (no more mail sent and no more mail received), all the mail stay on the postfix queue. Someone has experienced something like that? It's there a ways to fix it? Thank you in advance. Kind Regards.
Please set: max_connections = 500 max_user_connections = 500 in the [mysqld] section of the /etc/mysql/my.cnf file ( or /etc/my.cnf file, depending on the linux distribution) and restart mysql.