Problem with domain dedicated serv

Discussion in 'General' started by Grego, Sep 5, 2006.

  1. Grego

    Grego New Member

    Ma première question est: quelqu'un peut il m'aider en français ?

    My first question is , can somebody help me in French? "

    My problem:

    I've installed ISPconfig... No problem, all is ok.
    But now, I want to create a new site, I can't it ...
    I've a dedicated serv (ovh) with Debian.
    I ve the adress type: [email protected] ... I succeeded in putting pages on line.
    Now I would want created a other adresse, same
    Is it possible without buy other domain name ?
    If its possible, how to make please ?
    I am sorry for my pitiful English ... :/
    thank you in advance
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Hi Grego,

    sorry, I dont speak french. I will try to help you in english.

    You will have to buy / own the domains that shall point t your server.

    Create a new client, then create a new website where you enter the name of your domain.

    There is a french manual available for ISPConfig:

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