Problem with email filter (solved)

Discussion in 'General' started by Eade, Feb 5, 2024.

  1. Eade

    Eade New Member

    i try to make an email fliter to move email to another folder
    if header :regex "from" [".*post@dekbed-discounter\\.nl"] {
    fileinto "Reclame";
    ### END FILTER_ID:3
    THis won't work even if i create the Reclame folder the email goes to Postvak In
    however this works
    if header :regex "from" [".*post@dekbed-discounter\\.nl"] {
    fileinto "Junk";
    ### END FILTER_ID:3
    What am i doing wrong?
  2. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please put content such as configuration in CODE tags (Insert > Code).

    Can you show your directory structure for this mailbox?
  3. Eade

    Eade New Member

    Hi Th0m, thanks for your repaly, the structure is normal postvak i, sent, junk, trash
    according to the manual the map Reclame should by maked but it isn't, if i make it myself it still goes to postvak in.
    i have staterd outlook again, no change
    must i restart the server?
  4. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please create the folder "Reclame" for this account. This can be done in your email client or though webmail. Make sure the folder exists in the top level of the mailbox, and not under INBOX.
  5. Eade

    Eade New Member

    I already did that and now for the second time, it won.t work , send an email and it comes in inbox
    reclame is not under the inbox, i don't know what goes wrong
  6. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please login to the server and check the actually directories listed under /var/vmail/ - replace and username with your values.
  7. Eade

    Eade New Member

    i can't find any structure there, only maps new, cur, supscrptions and a lot of dovecot files, however a don't think that the problem is the structure because the reclame map also appairs on my phone at the correct place. also capital R or r does'nt change it
  8. Eade

    Eade New Member

    Oke very strange it suddenly works now, maybe there was some time needed before changes are in effect, thanks for your help

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