Problem with ips

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by rebel78, Jul 7, 2009.

  1. rebel78

    rebel78 New Member

    I have a problem with ISPConfig on Debian lenny. I assigned in the panel 4 ips but only first (main) is working fine. Rest 3 ips do not work. I remove domains, assign domains once again and still domains on these 2 ips do not work.

    Where should i try to find a problem ? What can i do with it ?

    ps. it will be great to have a demo of ispconfig 3 :)
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You have to configure the IP addresses in your network card too.
  3. rebel78

    rebel78 New Member

    My admin said that he configured IP addresses in the network card. Is it something else which we should do ?

    Now only domains on first ip are working fine. All the rest do not work but when i use IP in firefox i got "Welcome to your website!". Hmm we do not know what we can do and if it is possible to cancel ispconfig and install other CP :(

  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Not sure why you want to do this. If ispconfig works fine on thousands of servers it will work on yours too. So you should just check your system why the IP addresses wont work.

    1) Check with the command "ifconfig" that your network card has the correct IP's configured.
    2) Add the Ip addresses in ISPConfig.
    3) Add a website in ISPConfig were you select the IP address.
    4) Make sure that the domain of this website really points to the selected IP address with a dns A-Record. Be aware that changes in dns take up to 48 hours and that your site will work only with a correct dns record of course.
  5. rebel78

    rebel78 New Member

    i did it once again as You said and nothing changed. Still the first ip is working and rest not.

    Maybe the problem is with dns ? Each of the domains have own dns on one ip (so ns1, ns2 = 1ip)
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please post the output of the command:


    and the name of a domain that is not working.
  7. rebel78

    rebel78 New Member

    i sent You PM

    Admin said that ip is working fine (ping is ok) but ispconfig do not add vhosts on ips.
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Then your admin is wrong. I just tested the domain you send me and it is not pointing to your server in dns:

    dig ba***********
    ; <<>> DiG 9.5.1-P1 <<>> ba*********
    ;; global options:  printcmd
    ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

    Most likely you missed to add glue records for the domain. Example: if you have the domain mydomain.tld and want to use dns servers that belong to the same domain like ns1.mydomain.tld and ns2.mydomain.tld you will have to add glue records in the dns server of the registry were you ordered the domain. So this problem is very likely not in your ispconfig installation.
  9. rebel78

    rebel78 New Member

    i added/changed ip if domain had own host for domains about 3 days ago so it is not a problem with registrar.
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    But the domain does not resolve to the IP, so its a dns problem or problem with your registrar and not a problem of the vhost.
  11. rebel78

    rebel78 New Member

    maybe You have right that it is problem with dns in ispconfig. I used default template but domains on first ip work ok, when i use the same template for domains on other ips domains or dns do not work.

    How can i easly uninstall ispconfig 3 ? I lost 3 days and still do not know where is the problem. I have to buy DA and do not loose time :(.

    IspConfig looks good but do not work perfectly as should, there is no manual and demo so we (users) can't even look how configuration should be.

  12. rebel78

    rebel78 New Member

    ok we find problem. Default templates for dns is broken but i do not know how it is possible that some domains work ok and rest not. Ok nevermind - customize dns templates will solve a problem.

    Thanks and regards - uff :)
  13. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Default template which comes with ISPConfig is not broken. I use it on many servers daily. Maybe you changed the default template which broke it on your server.

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