Problem with ISPConfig User

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by birumerah, Apr 17, 2007.

  1. birumerah

    birumerah New Member

    Dear all,

    i have some problem using my installed ispconfig, the problem is:
    i have domain user : bm5_test
    when i access /var/www/web5/web i look file with permission for bm5_test with group web5, but when i access it show that application error :( (nb: ruby on rails apps). after try some test i found that my apps will run correctly if i set permission to www-data:web5.

    Is there any mistake i made? why i can't using default configuration from ispconfig (file with permission bm5_test:web5).

    thanx for any response.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The permissions in ISPConfig are fine. Maybe you uploaded your rails application with wrong permissions, the files must be world readable, otherwise the apache process will not be able to read them.

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