Hi, I have followed the tutorial for "The perfect server in CentOS8". After the installation i have noticed some problem so i have downloaded the related VM of that tutorial and i have expirienced the same issue also in there. The issues is: -> It's impossible to set SSL + LetsEncrypt on my web sites; Background: In the machine shell after the installation of certbot in /opt/eff.org [...] with cert_auto script, I can't find letsencrypt and certbot as a command. If I run which letsencrypt or which certbot Got "command not found" message; In /var/log/ispconfig/cron.log i read: CEST unable to find letsencrypt in (/usr/bin:/usr/sbin [My environment command path...]) CEST unable to find certbot in (/usr/bin:/usr/sbin [My environment command path...]) CEST unable to find letsencrypt in (/root/.local/share/bin/letsencrypt [My environment command path...]) If I manually links letsencrypt to /root/.local[...] notthing change. Even if I make a fresh new installation of letsencrypt, from CentOS8 repository (also with httpd module necessary), I got a functioning certbot command in shell, but in lets encrypt log i can read only: "Please specify --domains, or --installer that will help in domain names autodiscovery, or --cert-name for an existing certificate name.". And Anyway nothing happen. Even in the VM the behavior is the same! enabling "SSL" and "Letsencrypt" checkbox in site panel did not generate the certificate neither link those to the ssl folder of the website. Thansk for Help
Purge the installation of certbot from the centos repo as first step. Did you run the commands as root? Did you run certbot manually from the CLI (spoiler alert: don't) Try running this again as root: Code: mkdir /opt/certbot cd /opt/certbot wget https://dl.eff.org/certbot-auto chmod a+x ./certbot-auto ./certbot-auto (The command will then tell you that "no names were found in your configuration files" and asks if it shall continue, please chose "c" to cancel here as the certs will be created by ispconfig.)
hi, Thanks a lot! But unfortunately I have done it (fresh install with certbot-auto) at least 5 time without success... And I do all the operation in root account. Anyway maybe my English was not good, I am not a native speaker... but SSL and LE didn't work also in the virtual machine that you can download from this forum as subscribed user. I repeat for be more clear, even in the virtual machine made from the author of the tutorial ssl didn't work. If you are a subscribed user you can try, the vm download is one odd the first in the list. Thanks again.
Please go through this FAQ: https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/lets-encrypt-error-faq.74179/
Hi, The problem was solved with the FAQ linked by Th0m. The problem was a strange configuration in the NAT (outside ISPConfig). After solved this I have checked the "Skip Letsencrypt check" and everything is ok in my installation and in the virtual machine downloaded here. Thanks to all for yout help.