problem with outlook

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by t337, Nov 28, 2008.

  1. t337

    t337 New Member

    hello, i need a help, i have a server configured with ISPconfig, my problem is when i configure the outlook or outlook express, i send mail to other mail of the same server and no problem, when a send the mail to gmail o other domain the outlook do not send, and show me the text: Server Response: `554 5.7.1 SSL server error 554 error number: 0x800CCC79, please help me. :(:confused::(:confused:
  2. _X_

    _X_ New Member

    Enable "SMTP requires authentication" in account settings.
  3. t337

    t337 New Member

    thanks for answer:
    I have a other question: if i don't need SMTP authentication, how i disconnect that property, i have Ubuntu 8.04 and ISP config.
    Thanks for all.:confused::confused:
  4. _X_

    _X_ New Member

    You should use SMTP authentication because without that your mail sever can be used for SPAM.
  5. t337

    t337 New Member

    ok, but who i disconnect the authentication SMTP.
    Thanks for all.
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I'm sorry, but I don't understand the question?

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