Problem with ownership of domains

Discussion in 'General' started by sveronese, Oct 11, 2007.

  1. sveronese

    sveronese New Member

    Hi! I have a problem with ISPconfig.


    1 reseller account
    3 Clients with 1 personal site for account. (My Colleagues)

    We have decide to change and create 3 account reseller with the respective site inside for the administration. We moved the sites from the global reseller to the respective account (new reseller privilege). When I removed client, ISPconfig removed also the client's site (it is written in the documentation). All ok, but one of my collegaues had the brilliant idea to restore the site from the recycled bin *without* restore the client and then empty the recylce bin. Now we have orphan domain and we are unable to:
    - move domains from the owner client (was deleted) to another client
    - add/remove subdomains from the domains. (the domain is owned by another client)
    - remove the reseller account

    It's possibile to change the state of the domains from "dependent Site Management" (because the client was deleted) to "independent Site Management" and relate the domains with the reseller accounts?

    Thanks in advice.
    Sorry for my english
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    No, thats not possible. Clients and resellers are different "objects" in different database tables. A site can never be owned by a reseller directly.

    The only solution that I see at the moment is that you try to change the domain of the site and the co-domains to something that is not used on your server, e.g. domain123.tld and then create a new site for the domain under the correct reseller.
  3. sveronese

    sveronese New Member

    Thanks for the answer.
    I have fixed 2 of the 3 sites (deleted and recreated) but with 1 of this I have problem. The situation is:

    - Delete the old site (orphan one, without client related)
    - Create a client under the reseller account
    - Recreate the site under the correct reseller realated to the correct client.

    But, when I login with the reseller or with admin account I'm unable to modifiy the subdomains sections for the new domain created. The error is: "The domin is owned by another customer". If I create a subdomains previous present like "webmail.domain.tld" I receive an error like "The subdomains is already present". All recycle bin are empty.
    I try to move the domain to another customer with "move websites" tool but nothing. I try to remove and recreate the domain but nothing. There is a fix to this problem? It is a database issue?

    Which is the correct procedure to move the third domain from the "orphan state" to "correct state" ?

    Sorry for my english.
    Thanks in advice

    Last edited: Oct 12, 2007

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