Problem with PHP version on website

Discussion in 'General' started by sq_support, May 6, 2024.

  1. sq_support

    sq_support New Member

    Hello everybody,
    we are having the problem on a website with php8.3 (PHP-FPM). We installed the additional php versions as we always do with help of the tutorial.
    Something very odd is happening though.
    When we select the desired version in the drop down menu and click "save" the change seems to be valid but when we go back to the site the setting shows "Default" for the php version.
    A test with a php file -phpinfo()- shows that indeed 8.3 is configured for the site but the web console does not show that.
    There is also the problem that, when changing tabs, without even making changes, from "Domain" to something else on the site, the PHP version seems to get overwritten: the red changes pop up (up right) appears and then the website breaks.
    I haven't been able to find any information on this topic yet.
    We tried redeploying the server, reinstalling the additional php version, updated ispconfig ( --force), re-syncing the server...but nothing seems to work.

    Anybody seen this problem?

    Thank you very much -- any help will be appreciated.


    image (1).png image (2).png
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I guess you created the site as admin, but you are not logged in as admin now. So, the admin protection exists to prevent clients from messing around with the site settings. Either create the site as admin using the login as client function or let the client create the site himself or disable the protections feature under System > interface > main config.
    ahrasis likes this.
  3. sq_support

    sq_support New Member

    Thanks for your answer!
    Actually the site was created as admin and the problems also occurs while being logged in as an admin (I only use the admin log in and for this customer I'm always doing all tasks logged in as admin). Client protection is on, but that should stay on as a security mechanism.
    Any other ideas?
  4. sq_support

    sq_support New Member

    Hey, I haven't been able to find a solution for this problem, meaning the PHP version gets messed up every time we have to make changes to the site, since as soon as one changes from the "Domain" tab to some other tab, that triggers a change to the configured PHP version for the site (from 8.3 to "Default"). I hope I'm explaining the problem good enough to be understood.... :(
    For us it seems like a front end problem/bug...
    Is this enough to make a bug report in the official GitLab? ..... I will be tankful for any further advice. :)
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This is a configuration system on your server and not a bug, so reporting this on Gitlab makes no sense at all, as nobody would be able to reproduce an issue that happens on your system only and not on any other system. Otherwise we would have hundreds of reports here as such an issue would affect a few hundred thousand ISPConfig servers.

    If a PHP version gets set back to default, then the original PHP version is not available anymore. So you likely removed the original PHP version or altered it in a way that the php version that was originally set in that site does not exist anymore. Or maybe you configured the PHP version to not be generally available. Or some database tables in the dbispconfig database are crashed so that MySQL does not updates data in them anymore.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2024

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