Hello Goodnight. I have installed pureftp-mysql from this tutorial Https://www.howtoforge.com/virtual-...-and-bandwidth-management-on-ubuntu-15.04-lts The installation is correct since I do a "service pure-ftpd-mysql status" and get active ● pure-ftpd-mysql.service Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/pure-ftpd-mysql; bad; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since lun 2017-06-12 23:29:33 CEST; 2s ago Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8) Process: 9035 ExecStop=/etc/init.d/pure-ftpd-mysql stop (code=exited, status=0 Process: 9050 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/pure-ftpd-mysql start (code=exited, status Tasks: 1 Memory: 664.0K CPU: 46ms CGroup: /system.slice/pure-ftpd-mysql.service └─9061 pure-ftpd (SERVER) jun 12 23:29:33 vpsxxxxxx systemd[1]: Stopped pure-ftpd-mysql.service. jun 12 23:29:33 vpsxxxxxx systemd[1]: Starting pure-ftpd-mysql.service... jun 12 23:29:33 vpsxxxxxx pure-ftpd-mysql[9050]: Starting ftp server: Running: / jun 12 23:29:33 vpsxxxxxx systemd[1]: Started pure-ftpd-mysql.service. If I try to connect from the terminal to ftp everything is correct, the problem I have when I try to connect from filezilla that all the time I receive the message "can not connect to the server" In host I have put my domain, even tried with the IP of the server vps, in user and password, I have put those that e created in the database. Could someone help me find where I am failing? Thank you very much greetings
What errors do you get in filezilla? Can you copy/paste the console log from filezilla? Also a cat /var/log/syslog | grep pure Could help us out.
Check that you don't block the ports in your firewall. The tutorial link does not work so cant see how you installed it. If you force passive you'll have the port range in /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/PassivePortRange. There you have 2 numbers for the ports range. So in your ISPConfig firewall you have to add this 2 ports as "55010:55110" that's how you declare a range of ports.
I put the link I followed since the other did not work. https://www.howtoforge.com/virtual-...-and-bandwidth-management-on-ubuntu-14.04-lts Cat / var / log / syslog | Grep pure I have the following: Root @ vps338639: / # cat / var / log / syslog | Grep pure Jun 14 21:26:25 vps338639 pure-ftpd: (? @?) [ERROR] Unable to identify the local socket: Transport endpoint is not connected Jun 14 21:27:25 vps338639 pure-ftpd: (? @?) [ERROR] Unable to identify the local socket: Transport endpoint is not connected In filezilla this other, I think neither connects. Status: Resolving the radio frequency address.ovh Status: Connecting to ... Error: Connection timed out Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry ... Making from the server a Nmap -sT -O Root @ vps338639: / # nmap -sT -O Starting Nmap 7.01 (https://nmap.org) at 2017-06-14 21:27 CEST Nmap scan report for vps338639.ovh.net ( Host is up (0.00045s latency). Not shown: 989 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE 21 / tcp open ftp 22 / tcp open ssh 25 / tcp open smtp 53 / tcp open domain 80 / tcp open http 110 / tcp open pop3 143 / tcp open imap 443 / tcp open https 587 / tcp open submission 993 / tcp open imaps 995 / tcp open pop3s Device type: general purpose Running: Linux 3.X CPE OS: cpe: / o: linux: linux_kernel: 3 OS details: Linux 3.12 - 3.19, Linux 3.8 - 3.19 Network Distance: 0 hops OS detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/. Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 2.81 seconds This / etc / pure-ftpd / conf / PassivePortRange file on my server does not exist, only these are: Root @ vps338639: / etc / pure-ftpd / conf # ls AltLog DontResolve MySQLConfigFile PureDB ChrootEveryone FSCharset NoAnonymous TLSCipherSuite CreateHomeDir MinUID PAMAuthentication UnixAuthentication Let's see if I can help you more in finding out what is happening. If you lack more information I will be happy to facilitate it. Thanks you very much partners
You need to create this file if you force passive. There're a few config files that you need to create for some options. It look's like it's a firewall or router problem. The 21 / tcp open ftp is only for connection for file transfer you need other ports. I had similar problem and I had the 21 port opend but not the other for file transfer and I couldn't connect with filezilla. Try disabling firewall and open ports on router and test it. Normally this tutorials work out of the box.
Hello again, I looked at the router and I have the firewall disabled. In case it was some port and activated the dmz on the Ip that is the filezilla. And still not connected. E looked at the ovh control panel which is where I have contracted the vps, and in firewall rules there is no written rule. I have other ftp connections from filezilla and they work correctly
Hi, how can I do that? An ftp connection itself. From the ubuntu console connected to the server if I can access the ftp without problems, you mean that? thanks,
Finally choose to reset the server and reinstall everything from the beginning. And is already working. It seems that the problem is when I install the iredmail mail server. Because it was tested before installing it and everything worked, and once installed iredmail stopped working. To install iredmail use this link https://raiolanetworks.es/blog/como-montar-un-servidor-de-correo-con-iredmail/ I do not see where the conflict is. Regards.
Hi, if I still have the problem. Apparently if I do a clean installation without installing Iredmail it works everything correctly, but to which I install iredmail, pure-ftpd stops working, so I imagine the problem comes with some conflict with iredmail, which I do not know can be. Follow the link tutorial from my previous message. Thank you