problem with ssl

Discussion in 'General' started by cappeonghe, Aug 6, 2006.

  1. cappeonghe

    cappeonghe New Member

    Hello I am having some problem with ssl.

    Here is what i did.
    created a
    Created request from ispconfig panel
    Submitted request key to
    Got my certificate from them
    Added it to ispconfig ssl page and saved it.

    Ok when i type
    I get a warning . 1st of the threee on explorer popup is yellow, like if my certificate is auto signed.

    Ok first problem.. Second is that if I try to restart apache it will fail till i remove the subdomain witht the not working certificate.

    One thing i noticed when I try to restart apache is that it writes this:
    Starting httpd: [Sun Aug 06 10:36:34 2006] [warn] NameVirtualHost has no VirtualHosts

    Pls help me, I really need to install ssl asap

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Do you have instructions from What do they say? Do you have a URL for these instructions?

    That's just a warning you can ignore. Any errors in Apache's error log or SSL error log?

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