Helo Has the download of web copies changed in the new version? I have installed a second ispconfig (multiservers) web server. I want to download a backup and can't. 1. Backup files there are information in the database as well. 2. Cron starts: "Calling function 'backup_action' from plugin 'backup_plugin' raised by action 'backup_download'." 3. The backup is not copied to /var/www/xxxx.com/backup/ 4. I checked and all pages on the new server do not have directories: /var/www/*/backup/ 5. Condition in /usr/local/ispconfig/server/plugins-available/backup_plugin.inc.php:91 : "file_exists($backup_dir.'/'.$backup['filename']) && file_exists($web['document_root'].'/backup/') && !stristr($backup_dir.'/'.$backup['filename'], '..') && !stristr($backup_dir.'/'.$backup['filename'], 'etc')" returns false, because "file_exists ($ web ['document_root']. '/backup/')" is false 6. The copy cannot be downloaded I installed the latest version of ispconfig. I create clients and websites via webpanel and API. It is the same in both cases
Works fine here with 3.2.7p1. Do the following steps for your webserver: https://www.faqforge.com/linux/debugging-ispconfig-3-server-actions-in-case-of-a-failure/
Looks like the directory is created in backup::backups_garbage_collection(), which is called from run_all_backups() and also from make_database_backup(), but not from make_web_backup() - so if you manually ran a web backup, it would not get created (at least not until the next run_all_backups(), assuming the site is set for a scheduled backup).
Seems like this is not the problem, as PHP: self::prepare_backup_dir($server_id, $web_domain); is called in the make_web_backup function. Can anyone else reproduce the issue?
Never mind, found the problem. The backup dir is created at night for every site. So we need to create it when a site is created. EDIT: Fix now ready: https://git.ispconfig.org/ispconfig/ispconfig3/-/merge_requests/1565
As it is created at night anyway (if not exists), I just added it to the to be created folders on web creation.