Problem with webmail

Discussion in 'General' started by MyLinux, Sep 15, 2005.

  1. MyLinux

    MyLinux New Member

    Dear friends,
    I have installed Uebimiau as my web mail interface but I got a problem with this:
    I am able to send and receive mail properly from my server to any host like hotmail , when I send email from Uebimiau to hotmail free of any problem I get the message in hotmail but when I send email from hotmail to my users they receive messages in their MailDir s again without any problem BUT they are not able to see them in Uebi inbox.
    Frankly,Why users are not able to view their Maildir/new messages in Uebi?

    Thank you,
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    If you're already logged in in Uebimiau and you receive a message, you must click on the refresh icon in Uebimiau because otherwise you don't see the message.
  3. MyLinux

    MyLinux New Member

    Hi friends,
    Ofcourse ,I do refresh it!. But the items are not shown in webmaail inbox portion.
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Which POP3 daemon did you install? You say that you see that messages arrive in Maildir so you need a POP3 daemon that uses Maildir instead of mbox, such as courier-pop.
    Did you follow any of the Perfect Setup tutorials? If so, which one?
  5. MyLinux

    MyLinux New Member

    Yes,I have followed mentioned method for FC4,but it seems that something goes wrong with webmail program and it is not anything faulty in POP3 settings.Because webmail can not read any message from Maildir to show in inbox list.
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The POP3 daemon of the Fedora Core 4 setup uses mbox, not Maildir, so you have to uncheck Maildir under Management -> Server -> Settings -> Email.
  7. MyLinux

    MyLinux New Member

    Dear friends,
    I like to do that! but every time I try to open this section I got :

    The page cannot be displayed
    Cannot find server or DNS Error
    Internet Explorer

    By the way,server works properly and all sites are up. :mad:
    What does it mean?!
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The URL (host + domain) you entered in the ISPConfig installer does not point to your server. You can correct this URL to the controlpanel in the file:

  9. MyLinux

    MyLinux New Member

    Now got problem with mbox

    Dear friends,
    Thank you tll for tip.
    I change the mail box types from qmail style (MailDir) to Mbox and now all of the users have their own file of messages in /var.

    My first problem is that a given user,say Jim is able to send any message to outside world,for instance he may send email to [email protected] but he is not able to receive messages incoming.
    I inspected the problem and figured out that:
    The sender message from Yahoo got a "Quota Exceeded" error message in response to sent mail as an undelivered one.
    *The only account experiencing no problem is root .Root may receive incoming messages ,which seems natural due to no limit regulations for her.
  10. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Then yo have to increase quota for that user / web site in ISPConfig. :D
    The command
    repquota -avug
    shows you all quota settings and who has exceeded his quota.
  11. MyLinux

    MyLinux New Member


    Hi friends,
    So sorry my friend!!!
    The problem is :
    The "Unlimited" statement means SPACE=0 ,in user&email tab!!!!


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