Problem with Zlib

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by mike_phi, Jan 3, 2009.

  1. mike_phi

    mike_phi New Member

    Hi there

    I am having a problem using zlib
    I currently have ISPConfig-2.2.21 installed on Fedora 5 and it works fantasticly !!! : )

    How ever no Zlib support :(
    I get the error

    Abort pclzip.lib.php : Missing zlib extensions

    I guess I need to recompile my php installation
    I took a look at the install_ispconfig/compile_apps/compile script and was wondering what do I need to alter inorder to recompile php for zlib support.

    parallel to this when the recompilation is done do I need to set any flags in the php.ini or will this all be done as a result of the compile.

    currently my compile for php looks like this (extract form the install_ispconfig/compile_apps/compile script)

    cd ../${PHP}
    ./configure --with-apxs=${INSTALL_ROOT}/httpd/bin/apxs --enable-track-vars --enable-sockets --enable-mbstring=all --with-config-file-path=${INSTALL_ROOT}/php --enable-ftp --prefix=${INSTALL_ROOT}/php ${WITH_OPENSSL} ${WITH_MYSQL} --disable-libxml --disable-dom --disable-xml ${WITH_ZLIB_DIR} --disable-xmlreader --disable-xmlwriter --disable-simplexml --without-pear || error "Could not configure PHP"
    could you please post an example of what I should change inorder to include zlib

    The BIG question is do I need to reinstall ISPConfig or will I get away with just recompiling, and can I just recompile the php or do I need to recompile everything, I am affraid to make too many changes as I have a perfect system with some sites configured : ) is there a safe way of doing this

    Could you respond with a step by step as how I should go further yet maintain the integrety of my system.

    Thanx in advance

    Cheers Mic
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The ispconfig php is not used for your hosted webpages and ispconfig does not need zlib. So if you need zlib for your webpages, install the apropriate php zlib module from fedora and do not chnage anything in the ispconfig php.
  3. mike_phi

    mike_phi New Member

    Zlib needed for testing My new FileManager module

    Hi there, I have just completed the development of a FileManager module for ISPConfig
    which is located under My ISPConfig's tool menu, it works perfectly apart from the UNZIP
    functionality which requies zlib within the ISPConfig Php instalation. So I would need to adapt this somehow.

    Any Helpfull tips would be appreciated, I thought of an alternative to recompiling the PHP Icouldjust try to add it as an extension but at present cant seem to find the php-zlib extension for fedora 5 so any tips in this direction would be helpfull too.

    I think the module for phpadmin requires zlib for archive upload too

    cheers Mick
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2009
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If thats a addon for ispconfig which runs on port 81 you will have to recompile the ispconfig php or use it without zlib support.

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