Hi @all, since not being a very newbie (concerning linux), I've encountered a severe problem running ISPconfig on my server (Fedora 8) on installing this pretty piece of software for the first time. Although I don't think that this issue is a ISPconfig problem, you might be able to help me out... After a troublefree installation I started creating two domains, jlinux.de and jensschlegel.de I've setup all according to the wonderful HowTo at howtoforge.com and all was well. Until I came to the point of checking email functionality. Sending works fine - for every user in every domain. But I can't receive any eMails. Looking around in this forum, I stumbeled upon the hint to put the hostname which is setup as MX into /etc/hosts to get rid of SMTP-messages saying "mail for mail.jlinux.de loops back to myself". Since then, I'm becoming my test-eMails bounced back saying "Host or domain name not found. Name service error for name=mail.jlinux.de type=A: Host not found", which is strange sind this domain has been setup to point to the right IP and is pingable, also. Do you any ideas what I might have done wrong? TY in advance, Jens
It can take up to 72 hours until DNS changes propagate. If it still doesn't work - what's in your /etc/resolv.conf?