Problems with APS Installer

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Quaxth, Nov 1, 2013.

  1. Quaxth

    Quaxth Member

    Slowly I get fate up with the APS Installer. Till now, I found 2 apps only which I could install and run "Out of the Box": Magento and HHG Multistore.

    Either the apps installed completely and with an remark Installation_success and after that gave an error and could not start or get an Installation_fail remark .

    I'm thinking I may create a new .tk domain for to test ALL apps from the APS Installer by start and the first to install one after the next one, just for to get to know which will work!

    Also what I'm missing in many of the description of those apps in the APS Installer is that it should be mentioned clearly that's Freeware/Open Source, Trial-Ware, Free with limited functions or Payware. And also totally outdated apps and those which isn't supported by developer or the developer site is closed down, should be removed.
  2. Quaxth

    Quaxth Member

    I created domain and startet with the installation using the APS Install of ISPConfig. and this is the result just from the fist page (out of 11) of the installer:


    Quite a high fail rate!!

    Interestingly were, that all install were showing to be completed, many didn't work. Will do more install tomorrow and post result.
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The applications and installation scripts in the aps installer are all provided by, the same applies to the texts and descriptions that were shown in the aps installer. ISPConfig is just executng the installer scripts that provides together with their applications.
  4. Quaxth

    Quaxth Member

    I know that Till, and my post was not to complain about ISPConfig, it was to complain about those Apps and Installer and how those working on my server! That an failing rate of more than 50% (of the apps from the just first page of those APS Installer) is just to high, couldn't be denied. And that test was just done today, after my system is 100% working because of the hardware changes 2 days ago. So, my system could hardly be blamed.

    And installation from Softaculous now working with 0 problem! From adding the domains to Softaculous till the start of the installed apps, everything is working, 0 fails. And that's what count' for me.


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