Problems with file system

Discussion in 'Technical' started by nakeman, Nov 15, 2008.

  1. nakeman

    nakeman New Member

    I've some serious problems with my server's file system. I'am using it via Putty from school so I can't go boot it and at shell I can't boot it with command (shutdown -r now).

    And I can't run command fsck becouse /dev/hdc1 is mounted. But I tried to unmount /dev/hdc1 but system says "command not found".

    /dev/hdc1 is "read-only" and to fix it I need boot or unmount it to run fsck.

    So is there anything what I can do? I'am not able to boot server in 5 hour or so.

    (Sorry for messy post. I'am so tired.)
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's the exact command that you've used?

    Which distribution are you using?
  3. nakeman

    nakeman New Member

    Debain Etch. My "worst nightmare" came true, hard drive breaked down :( I think those problems can be explained becouse hard drive was almost broken.

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