Hello! I have problem with files upload in phpmyadmin (8MB) and in roundcube(10MB) phpinfo(): upload_max_filesize = 40M memory_limit = 64M post_max_size = 30M When I use ISPConfig 2.2.29 all parametrs has as in php.ini But when I update ISPConfig to 2.2.32 I lost it and php.ini parametrs didnt work. Can you help me! Thank you!
MAin php.ini (etc/php5/apache2/php.ini) I can import DB more than 8MB in phpmyadmin and I can attached file in roundcube more than 10MB.
try locating your php.ini first before editing any ... mine is @ /root/ispconfig/php/php.ini and /etc/php.ini not sure which one is the one active .. but i'm editing it both
Ok, so you lost waht exactly? The file /root/ispconfig/php/php.ini is for the internal ispconfig PHP and is not made for manual editing, it will be overwritten on updates. All other php ini files are for your websites etc. and they can be edited to set values for the applications and cms systems in your websites that upload files.
I dont know where I can edit this parametrs for good working in roundcube and phpmyadmin. What I can do? Please help mE! Thank you!