problems with Genius CR-902U cardreader

Discussion in 'Technical' started by aega, Sep 24, 2007.

  1. aega

    aega New Member

    when I plug my cardreader in usb, in Computer appears Memory Stick Drive and SD/MMC Drive, but when i try to open one of them I get error:

    Unable to mount selected volume:

    libhal-storage.c 1344 : info: called libhal_free_dbus_error but dbuserror was not set.

    libhal-storage.c 1345 : info: called libhal_free_dbus_error but dbuserror was not set.

    libhal-storage.c 1401 : info: called libhal_free_dbus_error but dbuserror was not set.

    process 10352: applications must not close shared connections - see dbus_connection_close() docs. this is a bug in the application.

    mount: no medium found

    mount: no medium found

    error: could not execute pmount

    Please help, already posted this problem in 5 forums, but no help

    Useing Debian Etch
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's the output of
    fdisk -l
    when the cardreader is plugged in? Is there a card in it?

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