Problems with nginx

Discussion in 'General' started by Michele_, Jun 17, 2024.

  1. Michele_

    Michele_ New Member

    Hi everyone, I installed Ispconfig 3 as per the tutorial with perfect installation.
    I'm hosting from Ubuntu 22.04 on my server.
    The problem I'm experiencing is due to the fact that I made several attempts to install a WordPress site, all obviously under the same domain, each time deleting everything from the panel.
    Specifically, the problem occurs when I type, I am automatically redirected to even if by checking the nginx file of in ssh on the server it seems to have been completely rewritten as the default setting.

    After various errors and attempts, reading here I found that you have to load the nginx changes from the site options panel.
    But my suspicion is that something has remained from the previous configurations. Currently I have recreated everything starting from the site, then the db and then the user for the db by connecting it to the previously created db. I haven't downloaded the WordPress latest.tar.gz yet so the directory is completely default.

    Please help me locate where the error might be...
  2. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Did you check for .htaccess or other hidden files in the /web -directory?
    If you use shell account, cd to web directory and do
    ls -lha
    Michele_ likes this.

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