proftpd can't login

Discussion in 'General' started by mats, Mar 3, 2007.

  1. mats

    mats New Member

    i installed ISPConfig, and made a user. but when i try to login on the ftp server it says: that the password is incorrect

    but as root i can login on my ftp server. and upload and download files.

    i''m running on centos 4.4

    what do i have to do?

    now i made a login by user & email
    now i can login to the ftp server, but i don''t come in the good map i think becouse when ik upload a file and i go to the domain i setup for that user, than the file is not on that domain :S
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2007
  2. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    When you upload data by using an FTP client with the mailuser (which labeled as administrator) the data will be uploaded in the /web folder of your webspace, which means it will be visibible at URL http://www.yourdomain.tld.

    If you upload with a non-administrator user account, the data will be uploaded to the users webspace, which is at http://yourdomain.tld/~loginname

    Is this not the case or ...
  3. mats

    mats New Member

    i forgot to make it administrator, it is working now :)

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