i have installed ProFTPD with TLS support from this tutorial for a secured FTP. I have multiple Domains and i can't login with another domain as my main-domain. I have used proftpd whitout TLS in de past time and there, i was able to us another domain to connect to ftp. This is the error, i get when i trying to connect with antoher domain: Code: command: AUTH TLS answer: 500 AUTH not understood Here is my proftpd config file: http://pastebin.com/ues6ACf3
No, that doesn't help. Look: My Main-Domain is example.com and i can login through proftpd and tls with any user i created, on this domain. as an example: Code: example.com user01 password01 --> This worked Code: other-domain.com user01 password01 --> This doesn't work .. and with proftpd whitout tls, i can login with all domains. Do you understand my problem? Maybe, this is a problem with the tls certificate i created? I've used srv.example.com as FQDN. Maybe it is not ready for another domains?
running some tests Hello, I'm running some tests on a Debian Lenny machine with proftp. Installation and everything works fine, as long as I don't activate TLS. In the moment I activate TLS I have huge problems. Is it a problem regarding the FTP-Client? Or my config? My proftpd.conf (TLS Part): TLSEngine on TLSRequired on TLSLog /var/log/ftp_tls.log TLSProtocol SSLv23 TLSOptions NoCertRequest TLSRSACertificateFile /etc/ssl/private/domain.org.pem TLSRSACertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/domain.org.key TLSVerifyClient off The TLS-Log Oct 26 22:15:26 mod_tls/2.1.2[2908]: using default OpenSSL verification locations (see $SSL_CERT_DIR environment variable) Oct 26 22:15:36 mod_tls/2.1.2[2908]: TLS/TLS-C requested, starting TLS handshake Oct 26 22:15:36 mod_tls/2.1.2[2908]: TLSv1/SSLv3 connection accepted, using cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256 bits) Oct 26 22:15:36 mod_tls/2.1.2[2908]: Protection set to Private Oct 26 22:15:56 mod_tls/2.1.2[2908]: Protection set to Private How can I find out more about this? Which client can I use, to avoid that the client is the problem? I'm running currently an Ubuntu 7.10 but I think I can manage to install an appropiete client. I'm happy about every hint! Kind Regards, Secure Cloud
@securecloud Try to use Filezilla! As i write it yesterday, i can properly login through FTP with TLS with my Main-Domain. My problems are only the other Domains.