ProFTPD Virtual Hosting Entries overwritten by ISPConfig

Discussion in 'General' started by wesleyjones, Nov 27, 2006.

  1. wesleyjones

    wesleyjones New Member

    I have made the follwing entry to the proftpd_ispconfig.conf file:

    DefaultRoot /var/www/web1/web/freebies/newsletter
    AllowOverwrite on
    Umask 002

    where is the actual dedicated IP address. ISPConfig routinely overwrites this statement and replaces the DefaultRoot with ~ which locks the user in their own folder.

    How can i get ISPConfig to stop overwriting the above entry?

    Thanks so much!
  2. wesleyjones

    wesleyjones New Member

    Sorry, I posted this in the wrong forum...
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You can either modify the template /root/ispconfig/isp/conf/proftpd_ispconfig.conf.master or change the programming in /root/ispconfig/scripts/lib/config.lib.php.

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