Pros and cons of upgrading to ISPconfig 3?

Discussion in 'General' started by Been Told, Apr 22, 2009.

  1. Been Told

    Been Told Member

    Hi everyone :)
    I am considering upgrading to ISPconfig 3, but I'm not sure. My setup is in my signature (the ISPconfig 2 server).

    I have 8 websites running on my server, but I take it they should survive the upgrade (although of course backups will be made first).
    Also the server is running Debien Etch. So the second question is, should I upgrade to Debian Lenny before I upgrade to ISPconfig 3? Or after? Or not at all?

    I'm a Windows kid so I have this stupid tendency to want to upgrade to new versions of everything *lol* - so I don't want to make that mistake here.
    At the moment ISPconfig is working, but ISPconfig 3 looks enticing with the new features and the interface.

    So yeah, I would really like some suggestions, pros, cons, opinions. Sorry if this is the wrong forum.
  2. pruss

    pruss New Member

    Upgrade to lenny is a good idea.
    But there is no way to upgrade ISPconfig v2 to version 3.

    I prefer version 3 because of virtual accounts for mail and ftp which isn't available in v2.
  3. Been Told

    Been Told Member

    Are you serious? Wow! :(
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There is a misunderstanding from your side. ispconfig 3 is a completely different
    software then ispconfig 2. ispconfig 3 is not an update for ispconfig 3 and was never ment to be an update for it. ispconfig 2 is a single server control panel for system users while ispconfig 3 is multi server control panel for virtual users.

    ispconfig 2 and 3 will be developed independantly in future. So an update for ispconfig 2 will be always a 2.x version and nevre be an 3.x version.
  5. Been Told

    Been Told Member

    Ah that sure clears things up. Thanks for the explanation. So I'm gonna just stick with 2.x :)
    I've already found the tutorial here on how to upgrade to Debian lenny, so I'll do that later today. :D

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