Pure-ftp problem

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by trexen, May 13, 2009.

  1. trexen

    trexen Member

    Hi, cant log in to FTP true Router, but it´s no problem when login true LAN.

    May 13 14:30:15 s08 pure-ftpd: (?@?) [ERROR] Sorry, invalid address given

    i got port 20 & 21 open to the server.

  2. tio289

    tio289 Member

    Hi, ftp uses more ports that two(20,21). It uses random ports for passive connections. You must open/forward more ports..range of ports and configure these ports on pureftpd server. Or you can turn on on your router DMZ function --> All queries will be forwarded to IP in DMZ setting. For example:


    that is if your server is on LAN side. (IF you have public IP that you can optionaly use active mode). IF your server is on WAN side you must have turned on passive mode in your ftp client

    BTW, this post more fall to general that ispconfig....moderator, would you move this post?:)
    Last edited: May 13, 2009
  3. trexen

    trexen Member

    Thanks for replay.

    whare do i put -p 5000-6000 som it always start whit that options som passive mode works, maybe in /etc/init.d/pure-ftp some whare ?
    im using Debian5 Lenny.

  4. tio289

    tio289 Member

    better solution is turn on DMZ
  5. trexen

    trexen Member

    im testing ISPC3 on a temp site behind a router, so i cant move it to DMZ.

    need help to start pure-ftp whit -p 5000-6000 =)


    Anyone ?
    Last edited: May 15, 2009
  6. tio289

    tio289 Member

    can you draw, how look you network? router, server, client pc
  7. trexen

    trexen Member


    Need help how to start pure-ftp whit -p 5000-6000 ?plz
  8. trexen

    trexen Member

    Need help how to start pure-ftp whit -p 5000-6000 ?plz
  9. trexen

    trexen Member

    I still got problem, any help plz ? =)

    //M :)
  10. trexen

    trexen Member

    I still got problem, any help plz ? =)


    50% Solution =)

    add /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/PassivePortRange
    and put 5000 6000 in the PassivePortRange file i create

    and restart /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd-mysql restart

    I now can login whit FTP but not upload any file =(
    Last edited: May 25, 2009

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