Pure-ftpd connection fails

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Cracklefish, Jul 28, 2019.

  1. Cracklefish

    Cracklefish Member

    I cannot connect to pure-ftpd on a new Perfect Server Debian 10 installation from any of several clients running Filezilla v 3.43 or .42 all of which finction normally with the old server (Deb8) using explicit TLS or plain FTP.
    The error message is
    The clients pass the filezilla connection test using FTP and TLS
    Server & client firewalls are deactivated.
    I tried CuteFTP. This will connext using FTP but takes over 20 seconds to produce the root file listing.
    Its TLS connection produces:
    I have reinstalled Pure-ftpd using the tutorial but with apt-get reinstall, deleting the old cert first but results are the same.
    Any help/ideas will be gratefully received.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  3. Cracklefish

    Cracklefish Member

    It wasn't a blocked range, the firewall was disabled. It seems that there is no default Passive Port Range. I created a file "ForcePassivePortRange" in /etc/pure-ftpd/conf and entered a range "40110 40210". - Then I read your link above!! Maybe you should add this to the tutorial.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The passive port range does not need to be set when there is no firewall or router which blocks the ports as pure-ftpd chooses the passive ports on its own then. I have no range set on any of my servers and FTP works flawlessly on all of them. The firewall can be at your ISP/Datacenter as well, it does not need to be on the server.

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