Good day, PureFTPD does not work with MariaDB 10.2. It is a known bug, it is solved by updating pureFTPD to the latest version. But, how is it updated? The only way I've found is by installing PureFTPD from the source but it does not work with ISPConfig. Somebody made it? Thanks!
Probably depends on what OS you're running, you might be able to find packages to download or point at additional repositories (eg. debian has "backports" for such purposes). If there aren't any, then building from source is what you'd have to do.
Hi, I'm running Debian 9 Stretch. Unfortunately in the Debian and Debian Backports repositories there is only old version. As I said before, if I install it from source, it does not connect with ISPConfig and it does not work Can PureFTPD be changed to other software and connected to ISPConfig? Or someone knows how to update version and it works? Thanks @till
I don't believe so, I think that's the only supported ftpd. Debian stretch comes with mariadb 10.1.26, can you just run that version?
up. Having the same problem. I have software which depends on MariaDB 10.2 so I had to update it. Everything worked flawlessly but pure-ftp-mysql. There was a known bug which has been fixed in pure-ftpd-mysql 1.0.47, so I had to compile it from source but it looks like ISPConfig won't work with self compiled or maybe I need to symlink something etc to make it work again. The pureftpd service is up and running but I am also getting "connection refused". Any advice here guys? @till or @Jesse Norell ?
I don't see any reason why ISPConfig should have a problem with a self compiled pure-ftpd. Just ensure that it uses the config files from the normal pure-ftpd-mysql binary so that it is connected to the dbispconfig database.
How do I ensure this? The config files are still there and I also reinstalled ISPConfig in order to reconfigure the services but I soll won't get a login. If I call "/usr/local/sbin/pure-ftpd" then FTP will try a connection but refuse to accept the credentials, as soon as I terminate the process, there will be no connection anymore, like pureftp isn't running (service pure-ftpd status) just tells me its up and running
Well I just realized pure-ftpd was missing after removing. I've reinstalled it and the server is up and running but now I do receive "Authentication failed for user ...." @till any thoughts? I already reconfigured services with an update
The only solution is to go back to the previous version of MariaDB (10.2 -> 10.1), I have tried to compile many times PureFTPD but it does not work with ISPConfig.
I've spent 6 hours and I am also close to give up on this. It is possible to compile it but somehow scripts are missing and it looks like there is no possible connection. I can't downgrade MariaDB, as I really need 10.2. I will have to dismiss FTP, which is a good idea anyway... SSH is enough for me
I don't see any reason why a newer pure-ftpd should fail on ISPConfig setups. You just have to ensure that it loads it's authentication data from the dbispconfig database.
@till when compiling myself there are no init or startscripts. I guess this is the main problem. And maybe the path where it got installed? I really followed every tutorial I could find on this and at the end, it did not work for me..
Debian Unstable distribution does have that version: It is possible to install Debian packages from unstable to stable by APT Pinning: If that does not work, try compiling mariadb using Debian build tools and settings. That way the .deb produced should be similar to official debian packages, and include the init and startscripts. Maybe get Debian source packages of Maridb 10.1, replace the source code there with 10.2 and make. Or use source package from Unstable, that should be 10.2.
Then install or compile Pure-FTPd in the same way. For example Code: pure-ftpd-mysql (1.0.46-1) from Debian Buster version with apt pinning. Or check if it is known that Pure FTPD does not work with Mariadb 10.2.
It is known that pure-ftpd-mysql isn't working with MariaDb 10.2. It was fixed with 1.0.47, maybe that 1.0.46-1 package already incoporated that fix, I got to check it.
@Taleman that didn't work either. I invested some more hours but I am still out of luck. I found out that when compiling Pure-FTPd, there is no "pure-ftpd-mysql" and "pure-ftpd-mysql-virtualchoot" binary. Maybe thats the main problem. There is a pure-ftpd binary. If I call it manually: /usr/local/sbin/pure-ftpd -l mysql:/etc/pure-ftpd/db/mysql.conf -l pam -E -O clf:/var/log/pure-ftpd/transfer.log -u 1000 -E -Y 1 -A -B I get 421 Unknown authentication method: pam If I remove -l pam, the server is up and running, connecting will work also. But as soon as I kill the process or restart the server, everything is broken again. @till can you provide some more ideas with my informations? Looks like self-compiling results in "pure-ftpd". Therefore, the Service/Init Scripts won't work. So I need to figure out how to update the service file (/etc/init.d/pure-ftpd-mysql) in order to run properly.
Did you compile with the Debian sources? makes also the pure-ftpd-mysql.
I think this is the relevant fixes without updating the whole Pure-FTPD - Manual fix via editor or via custom script should do it.