Does anyone know how to edit or change the Welcome Message / Banner for Pureftpd? The PureFTP Docs suggest the following: Recompile PureFTPd with: --with-welcomemsg: read 'welcome.msg' files for compatibility with some other FTP servers. This is a security flaw (anonymous users may upload 'welcome.msg' files to add random banners) . Pure-ftpd uses '.banner' files by default. or --with-cookie: display a fortune or a customized banner when a user logs in (see the '-F' option) Once cookie/fortune in enabled during compile you should then be able to specify a fortune file with: - '-F <fortune file>': Display a fortune cookie on login. The sentence is a random extract from the text file <fortune file>. This text file should be formatted like standard "fortune" files (fortunes are separated by a '%' sign on a single line) . Pure-FTPd has to be compiled with support for cookies (--with-cookie). If you just want a simple banner displayed before the login prompt, add the name of any text file here. I am in Debian Squeeze does anyone know where I would specify -F <fortune file>? Thanks
You must create the file /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/FortunesFile and in it set the location of the fortunes file. Code: echo "/home/user/fortunes.txt" > /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/FortunesFile /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd-mysql restart