I amguidingmeinthis tutorial https://www.howtoforge.com/using-pydio-in-an-ispconfig-3-multiserver-installation-p3 I can not find the file and do have the md5 of what to put there? help Code: Replace <YOUR_VALUE> by the md5 hash that you find in the file data/plugins/conf.serial/aliases.ser.
Did you use the pydio version used in that guide "pydio-core-5.2.1.tar.gz" ? If you used a newer pydio version like pydio 6 then it might be that the files have changed.
If I have installed the same version more than 16 times not find nothing archive I have installed the same version data/plugins/conf.serial/aliases.ser. I use Open Vz
is a test site my website is http://muaja.com/webftp accound ftp is: muajaftp password: prueba123 the administrator account has access but not the new ftp accounts created in ispconfig3 really this application interested in many I have tried many times following to the letter the tutorial in what I am wrong? We need help This application is very good ally for ispconfig3
Thanks I found, before I looked and did not find it still does not work This is what I have in data/plugins/boot.conf/bootstrap.json something I'm doing wrong? Code: root@f1:/var/www/clients/client2/web1/web/webftp# vi data/plugins/boot.conf/boot strap.json "USER_CREATE_REPOSITORY":false, "SAVE_GUEST_PREFERENCES":false, "SKIP_USER_HISTORY":false, "USERS_LIST_COMPLETE_LIMIT":"20", "USERS_LIST_COMPLETE_MIN_CHARS":"3", "USERS_LIST_HIDE_LOGIN":false, "ALLOW_CROSSUSERS_SHARING":false, "UNIQUE_INSTANCE_CONFIG":{ "instance_name":"conf.serial", "group_switch_value":"conf.serial" } }, "core.auth":{ "ENABLE_USERS":true, "CASE_SENSITIVE":true, "ALLOW_GUEST_BROWSING":false, "PASSWORD_MINLENGTH":"6", "SESSION_SET_CREDENTIALS":true, "SECURE_LOGIN_FORM":false, "MASTER_INSTANCE_CONFIG":{ "instance_name":"auth.ftp", "TRANSMIT_CLEAR_PASS":true, "REPOSITORY_ID":"5cbd8a21f2f672b220f1ffd9171025ca", "LOGIN_REDIRECT":"", "FTP_LOGIN_SCREEN":true, "AUTOCREATE_AJXPUSER":false, "AJXP_ADMIN_LOGIN":"", "group_switch_value":"auth.ftp" "instance_name":"auth.serial", "group_switch_value":"auth.serial" } "MULTI_MODE":{ "instance_name":"MASTER_SLAVE", "group_switch_value":"MASTER_SLAVE" }, "MULTI_USER_BASE_DRIVER":"", "SLAVE_INSTANCE_CONFIG":[ ], "SLAVE_INSTANCE_CONFIG_group_switch":"" } }
I can't really tell you, if you are doing something wrong, but it seems to be like that, since my installation is running fine. I followed the steps of the tutorial. There must be some step you missed or didn't do right, I think. Doublecheck all the contents and settings. Already a very small thing can cause this to fail.