Hello! I have a generic question related to the FQDN. Let's assume I have registered domain "thisismydomain.de". Is it adviseable to give any server / host running in my private network a FQDN following this pattern <hostname>.thisismydomain.de? If yes, why? THX
The domain of the server hostname does not matter, just ensure: 1) That the server hostname is not a website or email domain taht you host. example: OK: server1.thisismydomain.de Not OK: thisismydomain.de 2) The server hostname must exist in DNS so that servers that want to contact your server can resolve it. If your server is behind a NAT router, then the hostname has to resolve to the external IP address for external servers.
Let me ask differently: In which scenario should the FQDN fit to the public domain that I have registered? For all servers that are providing public services, e.g. web.thisismydomain.de? And all internal servers should have a different FQDN, e.g. pc.mei.netz? I could also differentiate servers that offer public services and internal services following this naming pattern: cloud.thisismydomain.de cloud-dev.internal.thisismydomain.de What is your recommendation?