Hi, I may be purchasing the billing module, but wanted to ensure that it will meet my requirements. There is no "demo" available for this module and I would have to spend the money just to find out that it won't work for my needs. Many of my clients are "main street" non-technical business owners and they all prefer to receive paper invoices and to pay by mail with a check. I'm looking at upgrading my infrastructure and am looking into control panels and billing management options. I did use ISPConfig a few years ago and was pretty happy with it so I may use this for my control panel. The next piece would be the billing module. Does the billing module allow manual paper check payments? Will I be able to export a spreadsheet (.csv, .xls, etc.) containing all of the clients details such as company name, mailing address, amount owed, due date, account number, etc.? I need to export a spreadsheet because my printing company can mail invoices much cheaper than I can buy paper, print supplies, postage, etc. and they need a spreadsheet in order to process the mailings. Also, is there a way for client's hosting environments to be automatically provisioned after adding them? Any help is greatly appreciated.
There is a online demo available. You can find the login details on the billing module page: http://www.ispconfig.org/page/en/addons/billing-module.html The billng module creates invoices as pdf, you can send them either by email or print them out and send them by mail. The current stable release has no export yet, but there is a export function in the latest beta. I use it since a few months for automatic data exchange with my tax accountant. The client limit templates (master and additional templates) are connected with the billing modle, so when you add a new client and assign him a limit template, then a recurring billing item is automatically added in the billing module, when you remove that template, this item is terminated automatically.