I'm looking for redundant DNS, so I have two servers set up in ISPConfig: server A that has all the hosting clients' data and server B that has my site's data on it. Server A acts as a DNS (primary), database, e-mail and web server and server B is only configured in ISPConfig for DNS. What I'm wondering is if I set server B to be a mirror of server A in the Server Services feature, will that JUST be for DNS? Server B only has DNS checked in ISPConfig, and Server A has everything checked. I just don't want all of the other data on server A copied over as well (just DNS records).
Basically I want one server to be a DNS master server and the other to be a slave, but I don't want all the website, database, etc... data to be transfered over as well, and I'm wondering if checking "this is a mirror server" option is the way to do this.
Yes, thats the correct option. Just ensure that you use the expert mode of the ispconfig installer when you install the slave and that you enable only dns for this server and not web and email during install.
Well that's the thing. For the main DNS server it has web, database, e-mail, etc... For the server I want to use as a backup it also has web, database, e-mail, etc... BUT in ISPConfig I have only the "DNS" box checked (for the backup DNS server).
This has to be configured during install as I explained above, changing the select box in ispconfig after you configured the server to be a webserver has no influence on the replication. If you want to fix that after you installed the slave, then go to the directory /usr/local/ispconfig/server/mods-enabled/ and delete the mail and web modules.
Well I installed the slave first (as it acts as the central management point), then installed the master DNS second on the other server and set it up to act as the hosting web, e-mail, etc... So I would delete the modules on the server I don't want it to be copied over to, correct?