Question about "No module found..." when creating ramdisk.

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by liang, Jan 2, 2007.

  1. liang

    liang New Member


    I just read the article "How To Compile A Kernel - The CentOS Way"
    writtent by Falko Timme.

    I encountered the same problem as Falko mentioned in the Section 2.2 of this article about modifying /etc/modprobe.conf. I got an error "No module mptscsi found for kernel, aborting" when creating the ramdisk for the new kernel. Sometimes I also got the problem for module piix.

    As Falko pointed out, after commenting out mptscsi and piix modules in
    /etc/modprobe.conf, everything works fine.

    The problem is gone. However, I still do not know why. Could anyone explain the reason the existence of mptscsi and piix modules cause such problem. There are many other modules sitting in /etc/modprobe.conf which are fine with the new kernel building.

    I searched mptscsi.ko and piix.ko files in /lib/modules and I did find both files.


  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The modules are named differently in new kernels, that's why the old names make problems.
  3. liang

    liang New Member

    Still have questions after reading the content of modprobe.conf file

    Hi Falco,

    I still have some questions after I took a close look at my modprobe.conf file. The content of my modprobe.conf is:
    alias scsi_hostadapter ahci
    alias scsi_hostadapter1 mptbase
    alias scsi_hostadapter3 mptfc
    #alias scsi_hostadapter2 mptscsi
    alias scsi_hostadapter4 mptspi
    alias scsi_hostadapter5 mptsas
    alias scsi_hostadapter6 mptscsih
    alias usb-controller ehci-hcd
    alias usb-controller1 uhci-hcd
    alias scsi_hostadapter2 piix
    alias eth1 e1000
    alias eth0 e1000

    It seens Linux uses multiple modules for scsi_hostadapter as SAS Host Bus Adapter, I am sure ahci, mptsas are being used. Maybe Linux gets confused and does not know which module should be used for the Host Bus Adapter. These modules come from the third parties and I don't think the ISV will rename their module name for different kernel versions.

    Do you have explanation in-depth?



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