Question about phpmyadmin

Discussion in 'General' started by Confused, Dec 26, 2007.

  1. Confused

    Confused New Member

    Ok, I'm probably overlooking something. But is it possible for each site on ispconfig to have their own phpmyadmin? If so how do you set it up?

  2. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    Of course, phpmyadmin can be installed in every web and for each client seperately. But why should you do that? The advantage of 1 central phpmyadmin package at is that every client on your server can use it to manage their own databases.
    They have access with their mysql user accounts as defined within ISPConfig.
    1 package is easy to update an don't cost a lot of diskspace.
  3. Confused

    Confused New Member

    ok, so one site wouldn't be able to mess with another sites mysql database. I need to reinstall ispconfig with the myphpadmin addition and play around with it some.

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