I appologize if this has been posted before but i have searched and probably missed it. I have my name servers all through dnsexit.com and everything points to my external IP, and my router forwards all web/ftp/dns/mail/etc to the one debian server I have setup that hosts 5 domains for me. And it works perfectly. All thinks to the tutorials and the support you guys give here. Recently I am expanding my programming knowledge and I am trying to learn some ASP.NET programming and working with server 2008. So I have set up a 2008 server and i got a new domain (not a sub-domain) and want it to be hosted on the 2008 server. So what I am looking for is a very simple way of putting in a ip address of the 2008 on my local network (192.168.x.x) into the dns server on my main debian machine (ISPConfig 3) so that if forwards the requests to it. Maybe this isnt easily accomplished like I think it is. I was thinking that maybe i need just edit the hosts file. thoughts?
You can ue the DNS server on your Debian machine, but all clients that want to access the 2008 server need to use the Debian server as the first nameserver then. This is an alternative, but you must edit the hosts file on all clients that want to access the 2008 server.
So is there a way to have external people look at the server? By external I mean external to MY network. I guess what I want is one DNS server internal pointing to different web servers based on where I am hosting the domains internally (computer wise) I have a external DNS through DNS exit that forwards all requests to my IP address. I did what you were thinking and it works internally, but not externally.
The problem is that if you use the same port on two internal machines (like port 80 for HTTP), your router can forward this port to just one machine. If you use different ports for all services, then external accesses should be no problem. Just point your DNS records to the external IP of your router and configure your router to forward the ports to the appropriate backend servers.