question about virtual users

Discussion in 'General' started by mlsys, Jun 9, 2008.

  1. mlsys

    mlsys New Member

    Hi, i have a question about the users that ispconfig create. If i want to have 2 users with the name "admin" ([email protected] and [email protected])

    Can i do it?

    because i don't know.

    Thanks guys! :D
  2. mlsys

    mlsys New Member

    the name "admin" is a example. any name i want to put.
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please do not mix up users and email addresses. You can have of course a email address [email protected] and a email address [email protected], but usernames have to be uniqe for the complete server, thats why ISPConfig uses a username prefix for the linux user names.
  4. mlsys

    mlsys New Member

    So, i can create emails with the same name and diferent domain.


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