Question on ISPConfig 3 vs. ISPConfig 2

Discussion in 'General' started by scottrill2, Nov 12, 2010.

  1. scottrill2

    scottrill2 Member

    Hello folks,

    I have been avoiding ISPConfig 3 since I am a newb and there was not any documentation for it. I figured if I had installed ISPConfig 3 without a manual I would have ended up asking so many questions Falko or Till would have had to ban me on principle lol

    But now there is a manual available for purchase so my questions are these:

    1. ISPConfig 3 is for multi server setups, is it overkill for just one main server to use?

    2. I am using a second server for mysql replication (See post ) If I change from ISPConfig 2 to ISPConfig 3 will I be able to manage the slave from the control panel on main server?

    3. Is there anything ISPConfig 2 does better? Or will I lose anything by switching?

    Thanks as always folks,

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    ISPConfig 3 is for single and multiserver setups, so it's not overkill for a single server.

    Do you just use that server for MySQL replication, nothing else? You could set it up as a slave to have the ISPConfig database replicated to the slave, but in this case I think it's better to set up replication by hand.

    I thin kthe only thing that isn't implemented in ISPConfig 3 yet is Python support. The rest can all be managed with ISPConfig 3 as well.
  3. scottrill2

    scottrill2 Member

    Question on Python.

    Thanks as always for the reply Falko,

    I am mainly playing around with drupal and joomla, leaning more towards joomla.

    I googled "how to tell if Python is running on a website" and I found a couple commands to tell me if it is on the server itself but not running on a website.

    The "which python" command confirms it is installed. I believe I installed it following the perfect server tutorial.

    But my question is:

    While I don't think any of the Joomla extensions or drupal modules I have installed require python, I checked some of their pages and they arent the most forthcoming on info lol

    How can I tell if python is ACTUALLY being used by a website? ISPConfig 2 uses linux user accounts correct? Like web1_user1 is actually linux username right? Is there some cool command I can run to tell me which user? sorta like windows task manager will tell you if a process is being run by admin, user1, system, user2 etc etc

    Ok So I found this command and I ran "ps aux | less" and "ps -A" and did not see any thing close to python. However I also didnt see any processes running under web2_user1 etc etc.

    Thanks as always folks,

    Last edited: Nov 13, 2010
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Joomla and Drupal are both written in PHP, so no Python is required. :)
  5. scottrill2

    scottrill2 Member


    Awesome Falko,

    I'll pick up that manual and get cracking on ISPConfig 3 :)

    Thanks as always,


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