Question regarding e-mail client settings for SMTP server

Discussion in 'General' started by jkrell, Jul 31, 2009.

  1. jkrell

    jkrell New Member

    Hi. I am on Ubuntu 9.04 and used the Perfect Server how-to on this site.

    I am trying to configure an e-mail client to send messages using the SMTP client on my server. ISPConfig shows that the server is up and running, and I have port 25 open in the ISPConfig firewall and I have port forwarding set up on my router. It seems like those should be all the steps, but my e-mail client tells me it cannot reach the server.

    Is this not supported?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's the output of
    netstat -tap
    ? Any errors in your mail log?
  3. id10t

    id10t Member

    Also, can you telnet to your server on port 25?

    telnet hostname 25

    Many ISPs block outgoing connections to port 25 unless it is to the ISPs SMTP server.... changing your set up to run w/ SMTPAUTH (port 587 IIRC) may work around this...

  4. jkrell

    jkrell New Member

    netstat -tap produces a ton of results (mostly because I am online right now using my squid server), obviously, and I do not want to dump the whole output here. The relevant parts that I can see are as follows:

    Where do I find the mail log?

    I am on a linux host right now so the telnet command does nothing.
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The mail log is /var/log/mail.log.
  6. jkrell

    jkrell New Member

    I've got the log. There are a lot of entries having to do with SMTP. Falko, can I just e-mail or PM the file to you? I'd rather not sanitize it in order to post it here, lest I remove something important.
  7. jkrell

    jkrell New Member

    By the way, I am trying to do this through Gmail. I pulled the following text from the Gmail help pages:

    Could this be the problem? Is there a way to add that functionality to my ISPConfig setup?
  8. id10t

    id10t Member

    ISPConfig uses smtpauth by default IIRC..

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