Question regarding Fedora Core 6 perfect setup

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by Mosquito, Nov 4, 2006.

  1. Mosquito

    Mosquito New Member

    I was going through the Fedora Core 6 perfect set up and made it to this part:
    chmod 755 /var/named/
    chmod 775 /var/named/chroot/
    chmod 775 /var/named/chroot/var/
    chmod 775 /var/named/chroot/var/named/
    chmod 775 /var/named/chroot/var/run/
    chmod 777 /var/named/chroot/var/run/named/
    cd /var/named/chroot/var/named/
    ln -s ../../ chroot
    chkconfig --levels 235 named on
    /etc/init.d/named start
    When I do that I get the following output:
    Locating /var/named/chroot//etc/named.conf failed:                                                         [FAILED]
    Now, I can see what the problem is (the double slashes), but I am new to linux and just testing out a couple different distributions to see which I like the most. I am not sure how to correct this problem. Could someone point me in the correct direction?

    Thank you.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    When do you get that output? After what command?
  3. Mosquito

    Mosquito New Member

    After running: /etc/init.d/named start
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's in your named.conf?
  5. Mosquito

    Mosquito New Member

    There is not a named.conf. :( This should have been installed when I did the
    yum install bind-chroot
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's the output of
    locate named.conf
  7. Mosquito

    Mosquito New Member

  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Ok, there's something wrong. Did you accidentally delete something? Are you absolutely sure you installed the bind-chroot package?
  9. Mosquito

    Mosquito New Member

    I ran the command
    yum install bind-chroot
    I was working through the Perfect set up and do not remember rm'ing anything. However, assuming I did mess something up, how do I restart the install process for this portion of the Perfect Setup? What am I missing / what was uninstalled?
  10. Mosquito

    Mosquito New Member

    I figured out my problem
    yum install bind-chroot bind bind-devel caching-nameserver
    It starts up after installing all of the above. Thanks for the help falko.
  11. stevenstromer

    stevenstromer New Member

    There does seem to be a problem...

    I have been installing FC6 on a bunch of servers, and did not elect to install BIND during the initial install. I installed bind-9.3.3rc3 (which appears to force the install of bind-chroot, without saying it will do so, though I do want the package...) and bind-libs. The service and directories seem to get installed and created, but none of the default configuration or zone files get installed. I've tried uninstalling, removing the directories ,and reinstalling, and still the same result. Without named.conf, the service can not start. Installing caching-nameserver creates a caching-nameserver conf file andd zones, but I am trying to set up an authoritative name server. I could manually create all of the basic zones, etc. but this seems a bit more work than should be called for. I have configured DNS numerous times before on previous FC versions, so this isn't my first attempt at this process, but we all forget a step here or there over time ;-) Am I missing something here?
  12. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The tutorial prepares the server for the installation of ISPConfig. Once ISPConfig is installed it takes care of writing the correct BIND configuration, that's why this isn't covered in the tutorial.
  13. stevenstromer

    stevenstromer New Member

    Alternate perfect setups...

    Dear Falko,

    I see how the article goes in a different direction than my question. Some of us are using your great howto's as a jumping off point for our own 'perfect setups'. I don't at all want to hijack your thread; it is just very close in topic to the problem I'm experiencing. Your expertise would be really helpful, as you seem to be fluent in BIND configs on FC. Any chance you could confirm whether I am doing something wrong, or whether there is a bug in the newest bind packages? It would be appreciated!
  14. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    There's no bug in the BIND package. If you want to host your own zones, you must change the configuration if you don't use ISPConfig.

    For example, a valid named.conf could look like this:

    options {
            pid-file "/var/run/";
            directory "/var/named/chroot/var/named";
            auth-nxdomain no;
             * If there is a firewall between you and nameservers you want
             * to talk to, you might need to uncomment the query-source
             * directive below.  Previous versions of BIND always asked
             * questions using port 53, but BIND 8.1 uses an unprivileged
             * port by default.
            // query-source address * port 53;
    // a caching only nameserver config
    zone "." {
            type hint;
            file "db.root";
    zone "" {
            type master;
            file "db.local";
    zone "" {
            type master;
            file "";
    and then /var/named/chroot/var/named/ could look like this:

    $TTL        86400
    @       IN      SOA (
                            2004121302       ; serial, todays date + todays serial #
                            28800              ; refresh, seconds
                            7200              ; retry, seconds
                            604800              ; expire, seconds
                            86400 )            ; minimum, seconds
                    NS              ; Inet Address of name server 1
                    NS              ; Inet Address of name server 2
      MX      10      A
    www       A
    mail       A

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