Question regarding Postfix/Dovecot setup

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by woozyerdaddee, Jul 12, 2006.

  1. woozyerdaddee

    woozyerdaddee New Member

    I am running several Mandriva 2005 Limited Edition servers. I used Joe Topjian's straight-forward, and pretty easy to follow article of setting up Postfix and Dovecot for virtual hosting to setup a new server to host virtual domains. Up to this point I have only built one domain/one server installs, and have had no problems. I thought I followed the instructions closely (having gone through it several times, until the concepts sunk in to my thick skull!). Here is the problem:

    When I use telnet to test the install of Dovecot, it logs in to port 110, I get the "OK+", I put in user username and then get the second "OK+". I then put in pass password, Get "OK+", but then get "session closed by foreign host". The Dovecot log says this:

    pop3 ([email protected]): July 12 09:17:59 Error: lstat(/var/spool/vmail/[email protected]/user/cur) failed: Permission denied

    pop3 ([email protected]): July 12 09:17:59 Warning: I/O leak 0x8050d10 (0)

    pop3 ([email protected]): July 12 09:17:59 Warning: I/O leak 0x80851e0 (1)

    This tells me it is a permission/ownership problem. OK, fine. For testing purposes, I chmod 777 the whole /var/spool/vmail/domain directory, as well as /var/spool/vmail/domain/user and /var/spool/vmail/domain/user/cur new and tmp. Now it works, no errors in the Dovecot log.

    Who should own these directories? What permissions should they have? Did I miss something in the articles?

    Any feedback would be appreciated! -- Andy
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    It's mentioned here:


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