Questions fro Apache

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by arni, Aug 31, 2006.

  1. arni

    arni New Member

    Hallo to everyone..

    I have a question about redirecting a user to another place, but before i would like to point this:

    I have two network cards in a linux box, the first is connected to the internet and the second acts as a DHCP server. Everything goes well up to now. I installed the VMware server and i think this made the messup...

    My internet card is and the DHCP server card is I have two clents for test and they take ip allright and the routing works fine.

    Until I have installed the VMware server (I think it was after this, i am not sure though, the vmware plays perfectly by the way) when i was punching on a client the address i was arriving at the /srv/www/index.html page. Fine up to here...

    Now when i punch this address, i have a "access forbidden" message. Whatever i have tried through Yast, does not seem to bring the system back. I have no special configuration at Yast, just the defaults..

    My aim is to redirect the clients to a homepage (preferable the one of /srv/www/index.htm or at a valid url or whatever) but as soon as they are plugged in the routing box and start their browser.

    Short version: Is ther esomething i can do from the HTTP server in my linux box so that when a client plugs in and clicks his browser to arrive to a certain homepage regardless of the default homepage of his browser?

    I am sure it exists or it is some small adjustment, but i am quite new to this..

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I think this is the normal behaviour on SuSE. What's the output of
    ls -la /srv/www

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