quota check more often

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Jorem, Mar 5, 2007.

  1. Jorem

    Jorem Member

    I don't know how often quota is checked. But I already had problems with accounts that couldn't receive email because quota was exceeded. But when I looked in the control panel everything looked fine. When I went to webmin and checked for quota it said it was over the quota.

    When you click check quota in Webmin all de accounts are checked and the account isn't over the quota and works fine again.

    How can I change the system that it checks quota more often?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You will have to enable the du command to be run by sudo, otherwise the stats in ISPConfig may be incorrect. Please have a look here:


    As far as I know, quota is calculated constiniously, so you dont have to run a quotacheck more often.
  3. Jorem

    Jorem Member

    In my case it is not the Control Panel that is wrong, but the quot program itself. I don't get a warning from the control panel, but I can not get emails anymore at one point (Maildir). Than I have to to do a quotacheck and than it shows that there is space again. Just like it is not checking quota enough :confused: .
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Maybe the emails were too big for the remaining space?
  5. Jorem

    Jorem Member

    No that's not the case. I have an account with 400MB webspace. When it can not receive mail anymore the account is 144MB. Only in Webmin quota it says 400 is full. When I do a quotacheck it sais that 144 is used again and email is working again.

    I will delete the account and make a new one. Just have a look if it is working allright than.
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    If it doesn't work, check the output of
    repquota -avug
    and your mail log.

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