Quota problems, can't find the files

Discussion in 'General' started by Jorem, Feb 12, 2010.

  1. Jorem

    Jorem Member

    I had a quota problem with ClamAV in the past. Now I updated to V. 2.2.35 the problem is back. Do I have to switch to clamd again after the update again?

    My main problem is that I can't find the files on my system.
    For example user web1 uses 500MB while the quota is 250MB.
    When I look in ISPConfig admin the quota is 200MB.

    Where are the other 300MB of files located on my server? I think it should ClamAv generated files, but can't find them.

    What I checked:
    the maildir of the users

    Kind regards for the help.
  2. Jorem

    Jorem Member

    I shutdown clamd, changed the mailboxes to not use antivirus, restarted ispconfig and now the quota is normal again.

    The only problem is now that I do not have antivirus running. Is there another option than ClamAV to have anti virus running on the mailboxes?
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Try to switch to clamd.
  4. Jorem

    Jorem Member

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