quota problems

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Steffan, Sep 21, 2016.

  1. Steffan

    Steffan Member

    I have ispconfig 3 on a openvz VM running centos
    Quotas are set to unlimited.
    When i change the quota of a site then the quota is set correctly
    So is there a script to reenable all quotas of the sites?
    i allready stopt the vm did a quota off and a started the machine with no difference
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Try to run Tools > Resync in ispconfig.
  3. Steffan

    Steffan Member

    Thanks i did that but no difference
    web10 i did manualy by changing the quota in the websettings
    Other sites dint change with the rsync tool.

    repquota -a | grep web10
    web10 -- 150604 512000 513024 4493 0 0
    web105 -- 431588 0 0 15462 0 0
    web106 -- 54716 0 0 7957 0 0
    web108 -- 2464 0 0 81 0 0
  4. Steffan

    Steffan Member

    Never mind it takes some time.
    i see the quota's are getting filled again.


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