R Studio server & Shiny server settings

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Professeur, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. Professeur

    Professeur New Member


    I didn't find anything about the installation of R Studio Server and Shiny server on your forum, so I started by installing it with the "standard" instructions (https://www.rstudio.com/products/shiny/download-server/).
    PS : R Studio is an statistics application, and Shiny an app that illustrating with graphs and other what I work in R Studio.

    I can access to R Studio in local with http://"my local IP address":8787, and to Shiny with http://"my local IP address":3838, but when I change the IP local with my public IP it doesn't work.

    Do I have to create a site in ISPConfig, or do I have to set up manually a nginx vhost (in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/rstudio.vhost, for example) ?

    Dans l'attente de vous lire

    Bien à vous
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I never used that software, but it seems to be a standalone dameon written in python. You can try to use to create a website in ispconfig and then proxy the traffic to the port of that daemon. If this wont work, remove the site in ispconfig again and create a custom nginx vhost.
  3. Professeur

    Professeur New Member

    So I tried both, but no success.

    for the first solution (by creating a website via ispconfig), I'm not sure about my parameters (see images).
    I tried to modify manually the nginx file by changing the root path (=
    /usr/lib/rstudio-server/www) but it didn't work too.
    So I tried the second solution (by creating a nginx file in /sites-available the smiling to /sites-enabled), but it didn't work too..

    I'm just a young padawan..

    Attached Files:

  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    As fasr as I see on their site, this software has its own server daemon so it's not a software that you put into a traditional website like wordpress or joomla, so you do not point the docroot to it, instead you select proxy on the redirect tab and forward the traffic to the port of the dameon of that software that you installed. But I might be wrong as I did not use their software, so you might ask their support on how to install it on a standard hosting system with nginx.

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