Hello, Can anyone give me a practical example howto restore an directory in a typical setup as made in the rdiff-backup howto. The man page is far to complicated and the examples on the site does not cover the restore attempt on the remote. How can i restore a backup from the backup.example.com machine to Server1 i tryed like: Code: rdiff-backup -r now home server1_backup::/home And get something like : Fatal Error: Restore target /home already exists, specify --force to overwrite. --force makes things only worse, So where am i Wrong in my attempt to restore ??? gr ovis
Rdiff-Backup Solved Oke i'vv done some studing and made the following conclusions. * Debian has an old version in the package list 0.9.7-1 or so * The new stable version 1.0.4 in my opinion works better Code: http://librsync.sourceforge.net http://www.nongnu.org/rdiff-backup/ wget http://surfnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/librsync/librsync-0.9.7.tar.gz tar zxvpf librsync-0.9.7.tar.gz cd librsync-0.9.7 ./configure --prefix=/usr make make install wget http://savannah.nongnu.org/download/rdiff-backup/rdiff-backup-1.0.4.tar.gz tar zxvpf rdiff-backup-1.0.4.tar.gz cd rdiff-backup-1.0.4 python setup.py install --prefix=/usr After some time i found out what restoring procedures are at my disposal, the manual page had so many opions that i lost it I favor to make the backups on the backup machine (Duh) And do the restoring on the server1 site. On the backup site: ============== To see how many incrementals to choose to restore from: rdiff-backup -l backup_server1 Found 1 increments: increments.2006-03-07T16:12:27+01:00.dir Tue Mar 7 16:12:27 2006 Current mirror: Tue Mar 7 16:17:48 2006 - Restoring one file: rdiff-backup -r 07-03-2006 backup_server1/home/FOO server1_backup::/home/FOO - Restoring a directory: rdiff-backup -r 07-03-2005 backup_server1/home server1_backup::/home-from-07-03-2006 Than: mv /home-from-07-03-2006 /home - Or more destructive: rdiff-backup --force -r 07-03-2005 backup/server1/home server1_backup::/home On the server1 side: =============== - List the backup set: rdiff-backup -l [email protected]::/backup/backup/server1 Password: Found 1 increments: increments.2006-03-07T16:12:27+01:00.dir Tue Mar 7 16:12:27 2006 Current mirror: Tue Mar 7 16:17:48 2006 - Restoring one file: rdiff-backup -r 07-03-2006 [email protected]::/backup/backup/server1/home/FOO /home/FOO - Restoring a directory: rdiff-backup -r 07-03-2005 [email protected]::/backup/backup/server1/home /home-from-07-03-2006 - Or more destructive: rdiff-backup --force -r 07-03-2005 [email protected]::/backup/backup/server1/home/ /home Now you have some practical real life examples and i hope the big manual page makes more sense to you.
Backing up using a dynamic IP address Ok, I followed your example and yeah! It's working.. I can automate off site backups which will really put my mind at ease. I had tried multiple times before and had given up hope. Very nicely written btw. The main problem I ran into was that this process needs to have a static IP address in order to work. I'm just trying to set up an offsite backup for a number of servers and didn't want to have to upgrade my connection. Is there a way around that (other than entering the IP address and remembering to change it every once in a while). Mike
If you've just got sudo & not root, then what? Is there a way to issue ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub [email protected] Without being root? Suppose I'd just need to copy the public key of the user rdiff-backup to the file /root/.ssh/authorized_keys. That should work I assume.
2 out of 4 is better, but still not good Ok, following these instructions I've now got half my servers auto-backed up off site. Now, I've gone over the steps outlined. Looked at a few other links. Checked everything that made sense to me. Is there a debugging mode or setps for debugging rdiff-backup when it isn't working. I keep gettting asked for a password on some of my servers. Mike
You can get yourself a domain at dyndns.org and use that. You can try with sudo: Code: sudo ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub [email protected] But I didn't test this.
Mike, rdiff-backup -v 9 give you the debug info. now the password. you have to play around with the from="servername" field in the autorized_keys file that where i got wrong a lot too .. gr ovis